Friday, June 8, 2007

Are You a Status Whore?

There is a disease that threatens all the wonks and wonks-in-waiting in Wonktown.

Status whoring.

Whether it's lying back and spreading them for a little proximity to power, or bending over and taking it hard just so you can say you were in the room when a deal was struck, you have become a Status Whore.

If it's not happening to you, Wonktowner, it is definitely happening to someone you love. (Or someone you pretend to love because they can totally get you in with the major players.)

We are dedicating ourselves to helping you and those you know who are suffering from Status Whoredom. For our first installment, please take and use this clip-and-save guide we call Friends Don't Let Friends Become Status Whores:

The first step to overcoming your problem is to admit that you need help. You can proclaim your status whoredom to the world by wearing it on your shirt.

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