Monday, April 30, 2007

Drive-By Monday: 4.30.07

Grammar Lesson: Apparently there’s a difference between a massage and a “massage.”

New Foods, Coming Soon: Anti-diarrhea rice. (We’re going to wait until it comes in sake form.)

Government Ethics Lesson
: You can be totally sleazy, and it’s OK if you are transparently sleazy.

Job Tip
: In case Daddy doesn’t give you enough weed money.

Confusion, Thy Name Is Government: Someone’s a pot, someone’s a kettle, and this is about high levels of power so no one is black.

Restaurant Review: New York ain’t the only city that likes its pizza with a little something extra.

Third Food-Related Item, So I Must Be Hungry: Insert your own joke from the Seymour Butts/I.P. Freely family of comedy here.

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