Wednesday, June 6, 2007

You Don't Need Our Take on the Debates...

...not if you can get Fred Thompson's.

Better yet, you can read Blogs4Brownback's hilarious exchanges in advance of the debate. Some favorite lines: "The Constitution is an obvious fraud to me because it guarantees that which the Bible prohibits, i.e. due process of law, the freedom to be secure in one’s possessions and papers, the freedom to avoid torture, the 'freedom' to express thoughts contrary to the strict word of Christ, equality among the races, the right of women to vote, and the 'freedom' to NOT be compelled toward the only true ideology - the word of Christ."

Unfortunately, Hillary's personal blog is all too silent.

Are there other political campaign satire blogs out there? (A search for a faux Ron Paul blog ended up with waaaaaaay too many hits to too many blogs that were too hard to distinguish between satire and seriousness.) All five of you who read this blog, if you know of any, please comment!

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