Thursday, May 17, 2007

Why Haven't We Posted Today?

Because we're depressed, people.

Working in Wonktown can be draining, and one easy and inexpensive way to relax is to watch the boob tube. Sometimes, though, TV just isn't rewarding. Today is one of those days.

First punch thrown: last night, the Fox Karaoke Show, and the announcement that our favorite neckless contestant has been Jennifer-Hudsoned. The remaining final two contestants include someone with a penchant for Star Search vocals and a lot of yelping, and a kid who beat boxes, which is just the current term for scat.

Second punch thrown: Veronica Mars, the best television show since Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, has been canceled.

In a world in which the Commander in Chief is threatening a veto of a bill to fund troops in the unnecessary war he started -- and threatening that veto because the bill includes pay raises for those very troops, a tiny increase in survivor benefits, and a sensible provision to make sure that the vets' health care program can negotiate lower drug prices with Big Pharma -- well, people, this is a world that should be giving the masses their much-need opiate.

Tragic. That's all we can say.

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