Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day Drive-By

>> Who is this moron? (And I'm not asking about Ron Paul.)

>> This is news?

>> McCain finally went back to the Senate after missing more votes than anyone but Tim Johnson, who suffered an aneurysm. Best commentary: “By all accounts, John McCain is not recovering from the brain hemorrhage many believe he suffered around the time he announced his candidacy for president.”

>> This guy asks the question that this blogger has memorably answered.

>> Most people in this country work shit jobs for shit wages, but campaigning about it "carries significant risks." (Because not campaigning about it has totally worked for Dems.)

>> It turns out we were all fucked up before we were even born.

>> Daytime TV: so many reasons not to watch, and now it turns out the hosts and staffers really are that insipid.

>> Damn. Those of us who are fantastically good looking are being discriminated against.

>> Nature abhors an idiot.

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