Thursday, May 24, 2007

Congratulations, You Have Been Selected to Have This Annoying Ad Screaming on Your Computer

Could someone please develop a widget or plidget or a snidget or a something that would kill that web ad that screams, "Congratulations. You have been selected to win two free iPod nanos"?!? It interferes with the online porn I'm trying to watch secretly at work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God it's annoying as all hell! I wish I had the ability to do what my friend Austin does. He can send a virus directly to the source of the pop up!

Anything to shut that annoying Corporate bitch up.

My volume is usually on considerably high, as I usually adjust the program itself that I am listening to, instead of my PC volume. And everytime I hear that, it's like nails on a chalkboard at high volume.